Professor Dr. Hamidah Binti Ibrahim

Professor Dr. Hamidah Binti Ibrahim, she received her Master degree and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Wales Cardiff, UK in 1993 and 1998 respectively. She received her Bachelor degree of Computer Science from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia in 1991. She currently works as a professor in Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology Universiti Putra Malaysia, her field in Database (Centralized, Distributed, Parallel, Mobile, XML, Biomedical, Relational, Object-oriented), Knowledge-based System, Mobile and Grid Computing. Her research related to field of specialization data management, integrity maintenance, checking, ontology, schema, data integration, data mapping, cache management, access control, data security, transaction processing, query optimization, query reformulation, preference evaluation – context-aware, information extraction, concurrency control. She is a member in international journal and conference comities such as Program Committee of the 27th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2017), Lyon (France), DBKDA 2017 Technical Program Committee of the Ninth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA 2017), Barcelona (Spain), etc. she was supervisor and examiner  for many Master and Ph.D.’s student. She has more than 100 publications in international journal and more than 300 conference. She has around 33 book chapter.  She has a patent and copyright.