Assist. Prof. Dr. Loay Edwar George

Assist. Prof. Dr. Loay Edwar George was born in Baghdad, Iraq in . he received B. Sc. degree in Physics at 1979 and M.Sc. degree in Theoretical Physics at 1983 then received his Ph.D. degree in Digital Image Processing at 1997, from College of Science, Baghdad University, Iraq. His research interest Digital video, image and audio compression techniques, Information hiding in Multimedia, Biometrics for computer security applications (fingerprint, hand geometry, Palm, Iris, Retina), Computer Vision (including textural analysis, image classification and segmentation) for remote sensing and biomedical applications and Image retrieval systems.  He was head of Computer Science Department from 2010 to 2015. Head of IT-Unit/ College of Science/ University of Baghdad from 2008 to 2010 and  IT Consultant in the headquarter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, head of the Directorate of "Software Development and Systems Integration" and head of the directorate of "Research and Development" in Al-Khawarezmi company for specialized Software Industry. He is a member in many Consultancy teams in Iraq such as Iraqi National ID project, Iraq Traffic governance, Directorate of Specialized Software Development and Systems Integration and Directorate of Research and Development. He supervised more than 46 Ph.D.’s student and 116 M.Sc.’s student. He has more than 250 scientific publications in International including Elsevier, springer and IEEE.