Null Values Treatment in Distributed Databases


  • Saran Akram Abd Al-Majeed Information Technology Center



Distributed Databases, Null Values Treatment


There has been a great deal of discussion about null values in relational databases. The relational model was defined in 1969, and Nulls Was died in 1979. Unfortunately, there is not a generally agreeable solution for rull values problem. Null is a special marker which stands for a value undefined or unknown, which means thut ne entry has been made, a missing valuc mark is not a value and not of a date type and cannot be treated as a value by Database Management System (DBMS). As we know, distributed database users are more than a single database and data will be distributed among several data sources or sites, it must be precise data, the replication is allowed there, so complex problems will appear, then there will be need for perfect practical general approaches for treatment of Nulls. A distributed database system is designed, that is "Hotel reservation control system, based on different data sources at four site, each site is represented as a Hotel, for more heterogeneity different application programming languages there are five practical approaches, designed with their rules and algorithms for Null values treatment through the distributed database sites. (1), (2), (3). 14). 15), (9).


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