Quadcopter Based Object Detection and Localization


  • Malik Alsaedi Al-Iraqia University
  • Baraa Albaker Al-Iraqia University
  • Hussein Dawood Al-Iraqia University
  • Haider aoun Al-Iraqia University
  • Zeyad tayeh Al-Iraqia University






This paper presents the development and integration of an X-configuration quadcopter with an IP camera for object
detection based on the color of an object. A KK2 microcontroller is used to control the quadcopter movements. The controller has builtin
gyros that provide heading rate information, which are used to control the movement of the quadcopter. The parts of the whole UAV are selected
and integrated. The calibration processes are handled after installing necessary controller codes. This is to make quadcopter fly moothly according to its set commands. The IP camera is then attached to the quadcopter frame. Mobile camera with GPS receiver is used for object
detection and localization. Images are captured from the IP camera; the three-dimensional position information for the quadcopter is recorded by the GPS receiver, and then the whole data are sent repeatedly from the Mobile to a ground station computer via wireless communication link. Two algorithms are next implemented to acquire and analyze the Images received form the IP camera. The results show that the images was captured and analyzed successfully, and the objects were detected according to their color and its approximate position was reported.


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Author Biographies

Malik Alsaedi, Al-Iraqia University

College of Engineering

Baraa Albaker, Al-Iraqia University

College of Engineering

Hussein Dawood, Al-Iraqia University

College of Engineering

Haider aoun, Al-Iraqia University

College of Engineering

Zeyad tayeh, Al-Iraqia University

College of Engineering


