SMS Encryption by Using Android Operating System


  • Jane Stephan Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics
  • Zahra Dhaief University of Mustansiriyah



C r y p t o g r a p h y , R S A A l g o r i t h m , A n d r o i d O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m , S h o r t M e s s a g i n g S e r v i c e ( S M S ) .


Mobile phones are the most commonly used devices in today’s scenario. The expanding use of mobile phones, telecommunication
companies added feature such as SMS (Short Messaging Service) in order to attract more customers. The Short Messaging Service (SMS) has
become very popular for sending messages containing information among mobile users. Alongside, the need for the secure communication
became more imperative. SMS security ensures security of messages from the access of unauthorized users. Using RSA algorithm to encryption
of message that length is 160 character. In this paper present approach encryption message for type a SMS then send to other user. This approach
is applied in mobile environment with android operating system. The platform used here is JAVA and the proposed approach is tested different
types of mobile types (Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, HTC).


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Author Biography

Zahra Dhaief, University of Mustansiriyah

Computer Science Department


